CLUCK had a phenomenal day on Saturday at the Heritage Harvest Festival at Monticello's Montalto. The day could not have been finer, the folks could not have been more friendly, and the venue could not have been more idyllic. The view from Montalto is extraordinary; I kept wondering how many coops lay below us. How many chickens and chicken-keepers dwell in Charlottesville, Albemarle, Nelson and beyond? CLUCK member Becca Covert put together an online map so that CLUCK members could identify where in Charlottesville our poultry friends are located. If you'd like to add your coop, as well as pictures of your birds to the map, click here (sign in with usename 'hensinthehood', password 'CLUCK').
A special thank you to the great folks who helped make the CLUCK table a success: Miriam Tobias, Alice Gore and Aaron Lamb gave of their time and expertise to answer questions and inspire people to go ahead and get chickens! Jason Roberson and Whitney French donated design time and creative energy to the development of CLUCK's visual identity. Jason's logos decorated our display, as well as stickers and magnets. Whitney's gorgeous barred rock hen graced lovely ladies' halter tops and tunics. And, lastly, Dawn Story and Melissa Wiley of the Piedmont Environmental Council generously included CLUCK in the Buy Fresh, Buy Local tent. It was a privilege to be a part of such a successful community event. If you missed it, make sure to come next year!